African prints is one of the many prides of Africa. In Nigeria it is called “Ankara” and in Ghana “Ntoma”. In the past, African prints were mostly worn by the elderly and for specific occasions. The black and white prints are mostly for funerals likewise the red and black, blue and white for outdooring of…… Continue reading AFRICAN PRINTS


I don’t deny that am a foodie, and fufu until recently is one of my favorite foods. Fufu is a very popular dish in Africa, particular to the people of West Africa, precisely Ghana. If you stumble by chance in any average Ghanaian home on a weekend, you will be amazed by the sound you…… Continue reading FUFU


In love, there is war. A war of who is right and who is wrong. Who is romantic and who is not. Who is selfish or selfless. War in Love. Where daggers fly from the mouth piercing through the heart o… Source: WAR IN LOVE


Afro is a blog by an African. It seeks to project African values in terms of lifestyle, entertainment, health and fitness, relationship, poetry/spoken word, beauty and fashion. Our target audience is everyone and anyone; no age limit. The vision for Afro is Africa to the world in a positive light. Afro’s mission is to project…… Continue reading AFRO BIO