Wahala Street

A one-bedroom apartment on Wahala Street costs a lost of money,

A housing crisis befalls us, so I must press on,

The garbage collection system is trash, literally,

My dear landlord has not learned knocking etiquette,

The walk from Wahala street to the main road for public transportation is an undertaking I have not gotten used to,

Even the sun shines differently on this street —31 degrees — feels like 42,

But Wahala street has wonderful inhabitants, some overwhelmingly generous, others too invasive, asking after family that does not exist yet,

The noise during the day on Wahala Street beats like several drums, shoots like several guns,

At night, the silence is so deafening that it keeps me awake,

And the first streak of light that wrestles its way through the curtains brings a wholesome relief,

I think I’ve found my home…

Nessa 🖤

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